Yes, Your Lenses Will Scratch

German Shepherd in Rex Specs Dog Goggles with scratched lenses

We get many questions about how quickly the lens scratches on our goggles and we want to let all of our customers know that we have tried many solutions to make lenses last longer.

Our initial thought was to use protective lens covers similar to those motocross athletes use. Here is what we found:

  • 'Tear off' lens protectors as seen on motocross goggles are a flat, planar material that does not work on Rex Specs spherical shaped lens. 
  • The cost of the lens covers that actually work on spherical lenses are difficult to apply, and do not stay on well in thick cover, or when they get wet.
  • These spherical lens covers were also similar in cost to purchasing a new lens

Another factor:

Dogs don't have great vision within 24" of their face. Also, dog's only see 20/60, or 20/80 so their vision is worse, or at least different than ours. They have evolved to see well at dusk/night, and to see small movements at a distance (for hunting food). Dogs rely on other senses more than humans to be aware of their surroundings. So, the scratches don't bother them as much as they would bother us. They can use scratched lenses without it bothering them as much as we think it should. We are always happy to take a look at the current state of your lenses and provide feedback. Please email a photo of your scratched lenses to for assistance in determining if it is time to replace your lens.


Here is our dog Tuckerman in his 'used' lenses - don't be afraid to use them beyond what you use on your sunglasses. We continued using these for a few weeks before replacing them. 

Our conclusion and your solution:

The most cost efficient solution we have found is replacing your dogs lenses when they become too scratched and are obstructing their vision. We offer replacement lenses on our website in both single and 3-packs and work to keep the cost as low as possible to make this an easy and accessible solution.